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Shafer's Classic Reproductions

(2343 products)

Shafer's Classic Reproductions

Shafer's Classic Reproductions (SCR) has been providing quality reproduction parts to the classic car market for over 30 years. We are active members in both SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) and ARMO (Automotive Restoration Market Organization). These organizations are vigorous proponents for the development and protection of the automotive restoration aftermarket. In addition to the thousands of top quality products produced by Shafer's Classic we are also a member of the General Motors Licensed Reproduction Parts program. Products produced by Shafer's Classic that have the GM Restoration Parts logo are assured to meet General Motors standards for quality and authenticity.

Our lines and exhaust are C.N.C. bent!
SCR gas lines, brake lines, oil cooler lines and complete line of exhaust systems are manufactured to OEM specifications using state-of-the-art C.N.C. equipment. The products are laser scanned from original factory lines. The data is stored for use by the benders resulting in exact duplication each time the part is produced. The Vector laser measurement system networked with the benders insures correctly bent tubing each time accurate to within 0.005". Our production capabilities include diameters of 1/8" to 3" in materials of OEM aluminized steel and 304 stainless steel tubing.